Abacho |
http://www.crawler.de |
AgoraClass |
http://pot-pourri.fltr.ucl.ac.be/agcl/default.htm |
Altavista |
http://it.altavista.com |
Altertumswissenschaft im Internet |
http://www.ub.uni-konstanz.de/fi/ant/internet.htm |
American Journal of Philology |
http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/ajp/ |
L’Année philologique sur Internet |
http://www.annee-philologique.com/aph/ |
L'antiquité classique |
http://AgoraClass.fltr.ucl.ac.be/Biblio/consult.htm |
ArchNet |
http://archnet.asu.edu/ |
Archäologischer Anzeiger |
http://www.dainst.org/index.php?id=281 |
Archivio Filologico per la medicina antica |
http://www.afma-medicinaantica.it |
Arethusa |
http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/are/ |
Argos |
http://argos.evansville.edu/index.htm |
Aristarchus |
http://www.aristarchus.unige.it/ |
Athena. Ausgewählte Tools & Hinweise zur EDV-Nutzung in der Altphilologie |
http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~hluehke/index.shtml |
Base de données expérimentale Mertens-Pack 3 en ligne. |
http://promethee.philo.ulg.ac.be/cedopal/index.htm |
Base d'Information Bibliographique en Patristique
http://www.bibl.ulaval.ca/bd/bibp/ |
Bibil - Bibliographie biblique informatisée de Lausanne |
http://www.unil.ch/irsb/pages/bibil.htm |
Bible-Links Page
http://www-user.uni-bremen.de/~wie/bibel.html |
BibleWorks |
http://www.bibleworks.com/ |
Bibliographischer Werkzeugkasten des Hochschul-Bibliotheks-Zentrum des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen in Köln
http://www.hbz-nrw.de/produkte_dienstl/toolbox/index.html |
Bibliotheca Augustana
http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/augustana.html |
Bibliotheca Classica Selecta - Ressources électroniques
http://www.fusl.ac.be/Files/General/BCS/Gate.html |
Bibliotheksverbund Bayern
http://www-opac.bib-bvb.de |
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/ |
Bryn Mawr Electronic Resources Review |
http://www.csanet.org/bmerr/bmerr2.html |
Bulletin Analytique d'Histoire Romaine |
http://misha1.u-strasbg.fr/flora/servlet/LoginServlet |
Carnet d'adresses en langues anciennes |
http://www.ac-versailles.fr/pedagogi/lettres/classics.htm |
Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici |
http://www.cib.unibo.it/acnp |
Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets |
http://odyssey.lib.duke.edu/papyrus/texts/clist.html |
Classical Antiquity |
http://www.ucpress.edu/journals/ca/index.htm |
Classical Philology |
http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/CP/ |
The Classical Quarterly |
http://www3.oup.co.uk/clquaj/ |
The Classical Review |
http://www3.oup.co.uk/clrevj/ |
Classics at Oxford - Online Resources |
http://www.classics.ox.ac.uk/resources/www/index.asp |
Classics Ireland |
http://www.ucd.ie/classics/classicsinfo/ClassicsIreland.html |
Classics Resources |
http://pomoerium.com/links.htm |
CNET: Download.com |
http://download.cnet.com |
ConcEyst - Eichstätter Konkordanz zur griechischen Epigraphik |
http://www.gnomon.ku-eichstaett.de/LAG/conceyst/greek/ |
ConcEyst - Eichstätter Konkordanz zur lateinischen Epigraphik |
http://www.gnomon.ku-eichstaett.de/LAG/conceyst/latin/ |
Cornell Greek Epigraphy Project - PHI Documentary CD #7 - Contents | |
Corpus Augustinianum Gissense |
http://www.augustinus.de |
Cyber 411 |
http://www.cyber411.com/ |
Dialogues d'histoire ancienne |
http://ista.univ-fcomte.fr/page_DHA_Dialogues_en%20ligne.html |
Didaskalia |
http://didaskalia.open.ac.uk |
Die Deutsche Bibliothek |
http://www.ddb.de |
Dino |
http://www.dino-online.de/ |
The Digital Nestle-Aland Prototipe |
http://nestlealand.uni-muenster.de |
Diotima: Materials for the Study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World |
http://www.stoa.org/diotima/ |
Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Medievale-Parma |
http://www.unipr.it/arpa/classics/ |
Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Medioevale-Bologna |
http://www.classics.unibo.it |
The Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri |
http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Texts/papyri.html |
Dyabola |
http://www.dyabola.de |
Eikasmós |
http://www2.classics.unibo.it/Eikasmos/index.php?page=presentazione |
Einführung in das Internet für Latein- und Griechischlehrer/innen |
http://www.univie.ac.at/klassphil/skriptum.htm |
Electronic Antiquity |
http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ElAnt/ |
The Electronic Patrologiae Graecae |
http://purl.org/reltech/PG/ |
Electronic Resources for Classicists: The Second Generation |
http://www.tlg.uci.edu/~tlg/index/resources.html |
Epigraphica |
http://www.numismatica.unibo.it/epigraphica/epigraphica.html |
Excite |
http://www.excite.it |
Fondation Hardt pour l'étude de l'antiquité classique |
http://www.fondationhardt.ch/ |
Forum Archaeologiae |
http://mailbox.univie.ac.at/elisabeth.trinkl/forum/forum.htm |
Forum Classicum |
http://www.forum-classicum.de/ |
Gabriel |
http://portico.bl.uk/gabriel/ |
Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund |
http://www.gbv.de/ |
Gnomon Online. Eichstätter Informationssystem für die Klassische Altertumswissenschaft |
http://www.gnomon.ku-eichstaett.de/Gnomon/Gnomon.html |
Google |
http://www.google.it |
Google gruppi |
http://groups.google.com |
Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft |
http://www.gfa.d-r.de/ |
Greece and Rome |
http://www3.oup.co.uk/jnls/list/gromej/ |
GreekKeys. Greek Font Information from American Philological Association |
http://socrates.berkeley.edu/%7Epinax/greekkeys/GreekKeys.html#about |
Greek Language and Linguistics Gateway |
http://www.greek-language.com/ |
Gymnasium |
http://www.gymnasium.hu-berlin.de/ |
A Hellenistic Bibliography |
http://www.gltc.leidenuniv.nl/index.php3?m57&c=86 |
Hermes |
http://www.steiner-verlag.de/Hermes/ |
Hessischer Bibliothekverbund |
http://www.hebis.de |
Homer and the Papyri |
http://www.stoa.org/homer/help.pl |
ICCU - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico |
http://opac.sbn.it/ |
ICSA Labs |
https://www.icsalabs.com/icsa/icsahome.php |
The Infimae Aetatis Page - ICE-ICK Information | |
Infoseek |
http://infoseek.com |
Ingenta |
http://www.ingenta.com |
Internet Archaeology |
http://intarch.york.ac.uk/ |
The Internet Classics Archive |
http://classics.mit.edu/index.html |
Internet Explorer |
http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview |
Internet Security Systems |
http://www.iss.net/security_center/ |
IntraText |
http://www.intratext.com/ |
Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog |
http://www.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/kvk.html |
Klio |
http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/fb08/SAG/journals/klio.html |
LatinTeach List |
http://www.latinteach.com/index.html |
Lessico dei grammatici greci antichi |
http://www.lgga.unige.it |
Leuven database of ancient books |
http://ldab.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/ |
Liste de sites consacrés à l'Antiquité gréco-romaine |
http://callimac.vjf.cnrs.fr/Ant_class.html |
Lycos |
http://www.lycos.it |
Matt Blaze's cryptography resource on the Web |
http://www.crypto.com |
MESA (Meta Email Search Agent) |
http://mesa.rrzn.uni-hannover.de/ |
MetaCrawler |
http://www.metacrawler.com |
MetaGer |
http://meta.rrzn.uni-hannover.de |
Netscape |
http://home.netscape.com/security/index.html |
Georg Olms Verlag |
http://www.olms.de |
The Online Books Page |
http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/ |
Österreichischer Bibliotheksverbund |
http://info.uibk.ac.at/c108/obib.html |
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek |
http://www.onb.ac.at |
Ovid |
http://www.jiffycomp.com/smr/rob/ovidbib.php3 |
The Oxford Text Archive |
http://ota.ahds.ac.uk |
Oxyrhynchus Online |
http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/Poxy/mainmenu.htm |
The Packard Humanities Institute (PHI 5,3 Latin textes and Bible Versions) |
http://www.indiana.edu/~letrs/text-tools/textlists/phibibliog.html |
Papy |
http://www.listserv.hum.ku.dk/archives/papy.html |
Perseus Project |
http://www.pers//plato.evansville.edu/paideia/">http://plato.evansville.edu/paideia/ |
Plekos |
http://www.plekos.uni-muenchen.de/ |
Poeti d'Italia in lingua latina tra medioevo e rinascimento |
Rassegna degli strumenti informatici per lo studio dell'antichità classica |
http://www.rassegna.unibo.it |
Recursos clásicos en general |
http://www.iliada.net/recursos/general.html |
Revue |
http://www.ulg.ac.be/cipl/rissh/rissh.htm |
Seminari Romani di cultura greca |
http://www.edizioniquasar.it/libri/semrom.htm |
Septuagint and Old Greek Studies |
http://students.cua.edu/16kalvesmaki/lxx/ |
Silver Mountain Software |
http://www.silvermnt.com |
Subito |
http://www.subito-doc.de/ |
Suda On Line |
http://www.stoa.org/sol/ |
Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund |
http://www.swbv.uni-konstanz.de/CGI/cgi-bin/opacform.cgi |
Telemaco |
http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/telemaco-list/ |
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae |
http://www.tlg.uci.edu/~tlg/about.html |
TOCS-IN: Tables of Contents of Journals of Interest to Classicists |
oder: http://bcs.fltr.ucl.ac.be/tocs-in/ |
Urbe. Unione Romana Biblioteche Ecclesiastiche |
http://www.urbe.it/ |
Urbs. Unione Romana Biblioteche Scientifiche |
http://www.pul.it/opac.htm |
Virgilio |
http://www.virgilio.it |
Virus Test Center der Universität Hamburg |
http://agn-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/vtc |
Web-Browser |
http://www.uni-muenster.de/WWW/Sicherheit.html |
Web.de |
http://web.de/ |
Webis: Sammelschwerpunkt Altertumswissenschaften |
http://webis.sub.uni-hamburg.de/ssg/bib.12/ssg.6_12 |
Wiener Studien |
http://www.oeaw.ac.at/~kvk/kv04.htm |
Yahoo |
http://it.yahoo.com |
Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum |
http://www.degruyter.de/journals/zac/index.html |
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik |
http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/zpe/ |