Bryn Mawr Classical Review: Autoren L-R, Autoren A-D, ← Autoren E-K, → Autoren S-Z

Luciano Landolfi, Paolo Monella: Ars adeo latet arte sua. Riflessioni sull'intertestualità ovidiana. Le Metamorfosi. Palermo 2003. (Matthew McGowan) - BMCR 2005.04.61.

Aldo Luisi, Nicoletta F. Berrino: Culpa Silenda: Le Elegie dell'Error Ovidiano. Bari 2002. (J. A. Richmond) - BMCR 2003.01.12

Wilfried Lingenberg: Das erste Buch der Heroidenbriefe. Echtheitskritische Untersuchungen, Paderborn 2003 (J. A. Richmond) - BMCR 2003.08.17

Sara H. Lindheim: Mail and Female: Epistolary Narrative and Desire in Ovid's Heroides. Madison 2003 - BMCR 2004.06.57 (Amanda Wilcox).

R. Joy Littlewood: A Commentary on Ovid, Fasti, Book 6. Oxford 2006. (Peter Davis) - BMCR 2007.02.28

Genevieve Liveley: Ovid: Love Songs. London 2005. (D. Thomas Benediktson) - BMCR 2006.02.29

Christopher Martin: Ovid in English. New York 1998. (Thomas E. Jenkins) - 99.09.04

Elena Merli: Arma canant alii: Materia epica e narrazione elegiaca nei fasti di Ovidio. Firenze 2000. (Molly Pasco-Pranger) - BMCR - 2001.04.08

Sandra Citroni Marchetti: Amicizia e Potere nelle Lettere di Cicerone e nelle Elegie Ovidiane dell'Esilio. Firenze  2000. (Anna de Pretis)

Andreas Michalopoulos: Ancient Etymologies in Ovid's Metamorphoses: A Commented Lexicon. Leeds 2001. (Michael Paschalis) - BMCR 2002.10.09

John F. Miller: Ovid's Elegiac Festivals (1991) (Eliszabeth Block) - BMCR 3-4-9

D. Montserrat (ed.): Changing Bodies, Changing Meanings. Studies on the Human Body in Antiquity. London, New York 1998. (S. Culpepper Stroup) - BMCR 98.7.20.

Hendrik Müller: Liebesbeziehungen in Ovids Metamorphosen und ihr Einfluß auf den Roman des Apuleius. Göttingen/Braunschweig 1998 (Vincent Hunink) - Bryn Mawr Classical Review 99.05.02

Paul Murgatroyd: Mythical and Legendary Narrative in Ovid's Fasti. Leiden 2005 (Garrett Jacobsen) - BMCR 2005.11.19

K. Sara Myers: Ovid's Causes: Cosmogony and Aetiology in the Metamorphoses (1994) (Stephen M. Wheeler) - BMCR 95.3.31

C. Newlands: Playing with Time: Ovid and the Fasti (Geraldine Herbert-Brown) - BMCR 97.10.11

Luciano Nicastri: Classici nel tempo. Sondaggi sulla ricezione di Properzio, Orazio, Ovidio. Salerno 2003 (María José Domínguez Martín & Ana Pérez Vega) - BMCR 2004.03.43

Antonio Ramírez de Verger: Ovidius. Carmina Amatoria. ed. Antonio Ramírez de Verger, München, Leipzig 2003 (E.J. Kenney) - BMCR 2004.01.13 (Response by R. Burgess)

Joan Booth: Ovid: Amores II. Edited with translation and commentary by Joan Booth (1991) (A.M. Keith) - BMCR 4.4.29

A.D. Melville/E.J. Kenney: Ovid: The Love Poems. Translated by A. D. Melville, introduction and notes by E. J. Kenney (1990) (L.T. Pearcy) - BMCR 2-3-1

Sophia Papaioannou: Epic Succession and Dissension. Ovid, Metamorphoses 13.623-14.582 and the Reinvention of the Aeneid. Berlin 2005. (Christopher Francese) - BMCR 2006.03.11