Panel 8: Comparative History: Greece, Rome, and Others

Invited Speakers

Askold Ivantchik (Institut "Ausonius" (CNRS), Bordeaux, France / Académie des sciences de Russie, Moscou, Russie): Les Grecs et les Iraniens dans les inscriptions d’Olbia et de Tanaïs : nouveaux témoignages épigraphiques et les données d’Hérodote

Silke Knippschild (University of Bristol, United Kingdom): Images as Victims of War: The Destruction of Art and its Function in Creating and Destroying Social Identities, 1st Millennium BCE

Robert Rollinger: Die Griechen und der Orient: Eine Chronologie der Kontakte nach den schriftlichen Quellen (von der neuassyrischen bis in die achaimenidische Zeit)

Accepted Speakers

Kamen Dimitrov (Center for Thracology “ Prof. Al. Fol” at the BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Social and Political Development of the Territories of the Odrysian Kingdom in Thrace (5th-first half of the 3rd Century B.C.)

Tibor Grüll (University of Pécs, Hungary)
Inscription as Prooftext: the Roman–Hasmonean Treaty as "Quoted" in the First Book of the Maccabees and Flavius Josephus' Antiquities

Danijela Stefanović (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
Roman Funerary Stelae from Egypt – An Overview

Vadim Vitkovskiy (Theologisches Seminar der Russischen Methodistischen Kirche, Moskau, Russland)
Zur Methodologie des historischen Vergleichs: Griechen – Römer – Juden