Panel 16: Religion in Society

Invited Speakers

Sarah Iles Johnston (The Ohio State University, USA): Demeter, Myth and the Polyvalence of Ritual

Jörg Rüpke (Universität Erfurt): Representation of the divine: modes and strategies in Roman religion

Graciela C. Zecchin de Fasano (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina): Homeric Society: the Relationship between its Gods and its Social Values

Accepted Speakers

Michaela Alexieva (Universität Sofia)
Kolonisation und eschatologischer Glaube. Der Orphismus in Olbia Pontica

Evelia Arteaga Conde (Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México / Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
L’orphisme dans la céramique classique grecque

Kim Beerden (Leiden University, Netherlands)
Divination: to play by the book?

Vanessa Berger (Toronto French School, Canada / Université Paris X (Nanterre), France)
La religion dans la Rome livienne : un mode de pensée

Frederick E. Brenk (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Roma, Italia)
Religion and Society. The Isis and Osiris Religion as a Forerunner of Christianity

Ifigenija Draganic (University of Novi Sad, Serbia)
Religious Scandals as Part of Political Struggles of Late 5th Century Athens: the Case of Hermokopidai and Profanation of the Eleusinian Mysteries

Veerle Gaspar (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Gender and Priesthood in the Ceres cult of Roman North Africa

Zlatozara Gočeva (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Les sociétés religieuses dans les colonies de l’ouest pontiques

David Hernández de la Fuente (Universität Potsdam, Deutschland)
Oracles as Sources of Law and Plato’s Reinterpretation in the Laws

Astrid Khariouzov (Graduiertenkolleg 896, Göttingen, Deutschland)
Titus Livius' Darstellung von Prodigien in Buch Eins der Ab urbe condita

Yves Lafond (Université de Poitiers, France)
Le rôle des rituels dans la construction de l'identité religieuse des cités grecques à l'époque romaine (IIe s. a.C.-IIIe s. p.C.) : entre traditions civiques et auto-célébration des élites

Cullen Mackenzie (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
Finding One's Place - hierarchy as an antidote to evil in magical amulets

Juliana Bastos Marques (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)
Pietas as definition of Roman Identity in Livy and Tacitus

Chryssanthi Papadopoulou (King's College London, United Kingdom)
The navy in 5th century Athens: evidence from Athenian religion

Georgia Petridou (University of Exeter, United Kingdom)
Look on the bright side of war! The illuminating epiphanies of Artemis, Hekate, and Parthenos

Silvia Porres Caballero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España)
Dionysos et Pan

Marcela Ristorto (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina)
La función del himno a Apolo, Artemisa y Dionisos (vv. 151-215) en Edipo Rey de Sófocles

Diana Rodríguez Pérez (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Deutschland / Universidad de León, España)
The snake at Athens: Erichtonios, Athena or something else? On the οἰκουρὸς ὄφις and its possible origins

Peter Rothenhöfer (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik, München, Deutschland)
sacrum ex voto dedit - Bemerkungen zur Rolle von Frauen im religiösen Leben der Provinz Lusitanien im Vergleich zu den duae hispaniae

Darja Šterbenc Erker (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Deutschland)
Integration der Weiblichkeit und der römischen Matronen in den öffentlichen Kybelekult der frühen Kaiserzeit

Emilio Suárez de la Torre (Universidad de Valladolid, España)
The religious background of the Greek Magical Papyri

Maria Uvarova (Russian University of Peoples' Friendship, Moscow, Russia)
Trends of Spatiotemporal distribution of the Cabiri cult in the Ancient Oecumene

Maria Carmen Viggiani (Università di Genova, Italia)
Ego flos campi et lilium convallium (Ct 2,1-2). The lily and his symbology in the patristic exegesis of Song of the Songs